Garrett M. Graff

Commemorating D Day

D Day, 6th June, 1944 was a critical turning point in the World War 2. As that day fades from living memory, what did it feel like to be there and to live through it? Eminent American journalist and historian, Garrett M. Graff has gathered hundreds of US, Canadian, UK, French and German voices to tell the story of that historic day - from military personnel to nurses to French villagers and German defenders, to Churchill and to Roosevelt. In a Zoom event, live from Vermont, New England, Garrett will be in conversation about his book, and we will listen to several audio clips.

Please note this is a Zoom event.

  • D Day, An Oral History (Octopus Books)
  • View Book
  • Thursday, 6th June 2024
  • 2:00pm
  • Main House
  • £8.00